Hallo und willkommen bei meine Stop auf der Wistful Winds Blog Tour! Es war eine wahre Freude mit der neuen Stoffkollektion meiner Riley Blake Designs-Kollegin Shari Butler von Doohikey Designs zu arbeiten. Wistful Winds hat einen speziellen Platz in Sharis Herzen und sie wird Euch während dieser Blog Tour etwas mehr über die besondere Inspiration für diese Linie erzählen. Die Muster und Farben dieser Stoffe sind so warm und fröhlich und haben dabei etwas wunderbar Beruhigendes, wie passend dass es Nachwuchs bei uns im Freundeskreis gab, für den ich ein Geburtsgeschenk brauchte. Ich habe mich für einen Baby Quilt aus Quadraten entschieden. Die Einfachheit dieses Quilts hat wirklich etwas Bestechendes, ist es nicht wunderschön, wie die Farben ineinender übergehen? Das Schnittmuster für das Kissen ist eines meiner ersten Schnittmuster überhaupt, Ihr erinnert Euch sicher an den Sugar Candies Mini Quilt, den ich letztes Jahr herausgebracht habe. Die Originalgröße dieses Quilts liegt bei 18.5″ x 18.5″. Um ein 16″ (40 cm) Kissen daraus zu machen, habe ich die Mitte auf 14.5″ x 14.5″ zurechtgeschnitten und mit einer Umrandung und Ecken von 1.5″ Breite versehen. Die Rückseite ist ein einfacher Hotelverschluß. Ich freu mich, wie schön es geworden ist! Wistful Winds ist ab diesem Monat in den USA zu beziehen, hier wird es wohl noch ein Weilchen dauern, bis die Stoffe zu haben sind.
Sugar Candies Mini ist als direkt herunterladbare PDF-Datei in meinem Etsy Shop zu beziehen.
Hello and welcome to my stop at the Wistful Winds blog tour! I very much enjoyed working with this beautiful new line of fellow Riley Blake Designer Shari Butler of Doohikey Designs. Wistful Winds has a special place in Shari’s heart and she will be sharing more about the meaningful inspiration behind this line throughout the blog tour. The colors and prints are so happy and cheerful and have something calm and soothing on the other hand, and since I needed a gift for a baby that has recently been born in our circle of friends, I decided to make a nursery set. I made a simple baby quilt from 4.5″ squares. Dont you just love the way the colors merge into each other? The pattern I used for the cushion is one of my very first quilt patterns called Sugar Candies Mini. The original size of this mini quilt is 18.5″ x 18.5″. To turn it into a 16″ pillow I trimmed the center to 14.5″ x 14.5″ and added a 1.5″ border and corner stones, the back is a simple envelope closure. I love how it turned out! Wistful Winds will be available at quilt shops this month.
Sugar Candies Mini is available as an immediate PDF download in my Etsy Shop.
Hier eine Liste aller Blog Tour Teilnehmer. Schaut vorbei, um Euch anzusehen, was die anderen Schönes kreiert haben!
Here’s a list of all the other stops on the tour, hop over to see what everyone else is making!
October 3rd: Amy Sinibaldi – www.nanaCompany.typepad.com, Kristyne Czepuryk – www.prettybyhand.com * October 4th: Amanda Niederhauser – www.jedicraftgirl.com, Amy Smart – www.diaryofaquilter.com * October 5th: Meagan Taylor/Kristi Jones – www.meagsandme.com, Christine Cook – www.stitchingrevival.com * October 6th: Elea Lutz – www.elealutzdesign.com, Jodie Carleton – www.vintagericrac.blogspot.com * October 7th: Sedef Imer – www.downgrapevinelane.com, Jina Barney – jinabarneydesignz.com * October 10th: Elizabeth Evans – www.simplesimonandco.com, Kimberly Bourne – www.mainstreetmarketdesigns.
shari says
Oh I’m so happy that you are going to be giving this to a friend who’s expecting! That makes me so happy that it will be loved and cherished by a little baby! That’s how it should be! I’m so grateful for you in using your many talents to create such a beautiful gift! As we wait for our miracle to happen, I will cherish this moment that all the women that has been apart of this blog tour has made it special for me! Love this and love you!
Nadra says
I very much enjoyed working with your beautiful fabric!
Stephanie @Quilt'n Party says
What a pretty line of fabric. Your Candies are so festive.
Nadra says
Thank you, Stephanie!! :)
Deanna Wall says
Nadra! I love the 4.5 inch square baby quilt and Sugar Candies Mini pillow that you made with Wistful Winds Fabric by Shari! They are just absolutely lovely! Wow! Love your photography! You are very gifted at creating beautiful items with these fabrics!
Nadra says
Deanna, thank you for your sweet words, that really means a lot!
elena says
This collection looks adorable. I really like what you made with it. The candies are perfect for the cushion Can I grab your idea? My little one needs a cushion for her bed and I think she’ll love this :)
Nadra says
Thank you, Elena!
You can buy the Sugar Candies Pattern here:
Have fun!
Taunja Kelvington says
Darling, darling creations Nadra! And your photography of these pieces is lovely!
Nadra says
Thank you so much Taunja!! ♥
Mindy Fawn Niualiku says
Oh my Gosh! I want a yard of each new fabric from this line and your Holiday line as well! You are doing so well I hope you have had time to do just this…