Hallo und willkommen bei meinem Stop auf der Sew Illustrated Blog Tour! Ich bin ganz hingerissen von Minki Kim seit ich sie auf Instagram entdeckt habe! Wenn Ihr sie noch nicht kennt, schaut unbedingt auf ihrem Blog vorbei! Minki verwendet eine Technik, die sich „Sewing Illustration“ oder „Drawing with thread“ nennt, gemeint ist das Zeichnen auf Stoff mit Nadel und Faden. Sie kreiert damit die kunstvollsten Werke und hat jetzt in Zusammenarbeit mit Kristin Esser den Titel Sew Illustrated – 35 Charming Fabric & Thread Designs herausgebracht. Das Buch enthält Anleitungen für 16 Zakka-Projekte unterschiedlichster Art. Die Vielfalt der verschiedenen Designs ermöglicht es, die Projekte nach Wunsch ganz individuell zu gestalten. Die Vorlagen im Buch sind bereits auf Transferpapier gedruckt und somit gleich einsatzbereit! Ich habe mich für den Anfang für eines der einfacheren Projekte entschieden – diese zauberhaften Untersetzer sind sicherlich nicht mein Letztes aus diesem wundervollen und inspirierenden Buch!
Na, habt Ihr Lust bekommen, Sewing Illustration auszuprobieren? Auf jedem Stop dieser Blog Tour habt Ihr die Chance eine Ausgabe von Sew Illustrated zu gewinnen, freundlicherweise vom Verleger C&T Publishing zur Verfügung gestellt. Dafür müsst Ihr einfach nur einen Kommentar hinterlassen! Gewinner außerhalb der USA erhalten ein Ebook. Das Giveaway geht bis zum 3.9.2016, den Gewinner gebe ich hier bekannt! Viel Glück!
Hello and welcome to my stop on the Sew Illustrated Blog Tour! I fell in love with Minki Kim’s work since I first discovered her on Instagram. If you haven’t already seen her awesome creations you need to visit her blog immediately! She uses a technique that is known as ’sewing illustration‘ or ‚drawing with thread‘ and creates the most charming and adorable pieces of art! Sew Illustrated – 35 Charming Fabric & Thread Designs is the georgeous collaboration between the two talented ladies Minki Kim and Kristin Esser. The book includes instructions for making 16 Zakka projects. The variety of different designs gives you the option of customising your items with the sewing illustrations of your choice. The book includes full sized patterns, and the illustrations are printed on iron-on transfer paper so you can easily transfer them to your project. I decided to start with one of the easier projects. These coasters were so fun to make, aren’t they just sweet? This will definitely not be my last project from this wonderful and inspiring book!
Would you like to give sewing illustration a try? C & T Publishing are giving away a copy of Sew Illustrated at every stop on the blog tour! If the winner is in the USA, they will receive a hard copy of the book, if the winner is International, they will win an eBook. To enter leave a comment below! Giveaway is open until September 3, 2016. I’ll announce the winner on this blog post. Good Luck!
Ich habe mit random.org einen Gewinner gezogen, SUSAN (Kommentar 39), herzlichen Glückwunsch! Viel Spaß mit Sew Illustrated!
I made random.org pick a winner for Sew Illustrated, SUSAN (comment no. 39), congratulations and happy sewing!
Hier eine Liste aller Blog Tour Teilnehmer, schaut vorbei um Euch anzusehen, was die anderen Schönes kreiert haben!
Here’s a list of all the other stops on the tour, hop over to see what everyone else is making!
Adorable!! I love the sweet designs!!
Beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win the book.
Your work is so pretty and so inspiring. I can’t wait to give it a try. And your mug rugs are wonderful.
Thanks for the chance to win this book. It would be great discover how to make such lovely drawings.
Your coasters are lovely!
Sweet and lovely projects. !
Liebe Nadra ❤️ seit Tagen verfolge ich die Blog Tour über Instagram :0)
und ich freue mich, dass heute du an der Reihe bist! ❤️
zauberschön sehen deine Werke aus :0)
und sie machen nun noch mehr Lust auf das Buch *lach*
aber wer weiß, vielleicht hab ich ja Glück.
Ich sende dir viele liebe Grüße und alle guten Wünsche
Your coasters are great! I can’t wait to get this book.
Die sehen so klasse aus! Kannst du nicht auch welche von diesen verlosen?
VG Anna
Oh wow, soooo hübsch!
Your coasters turned out great!
Your coasters are
adorable and so
Carla from Utah
These coasters are a true „work of heart“… can you imagine how it would brighten someone’s day to surprise them with a gift like these? They’re absolutely beautiful!
Tolle Arbeit, liebe Nadra.
Würde ich total gerne auch mal ausprobieren ;-)
LG aus dem Rheingau
Nicole von La petite France
Love your coasters they look amazing:-)
What beautiful coasters, they are such an inspiration – I really want to try this technique.
Very cute – almost too cute to use!
I love these! This book and your work inspire me so much! Thanks!
Beautiful coasters.
such a cute book. Thanks for the chance!
I can’t wait to try some of the projects in this delightful book!
Love your coasters. This looks like such a fun book.
I am smitten with your darling coasters! They are little works of art and oh-so-pretty in your fabrics. Thanks for the inspiration!
Beautiful work!!
I have been loving the projects I’ve been seeing from this book. Your coasters are adorable! I would love to win a copy!
Beautiful designs, they would make great gifts for Christmas or any time. Thanks for the chance to win!
so so so nett und entzückend
I love the coasters. They are just so sweet
Nadra, your stitching is divine! I had to look close because it almost looks drawn on! Your coasters would make such a sweet gift to a very good friend. Great work!
You did a wonderful job! I love the fabrics that you picked. Thank you for sharing your beautiful work!
Your coasters are adorable, and your fabric is perfect for this Project!
Ich liebe wie deine Stoffe zur Leinen passen!!! ❤Die Untersätzer sind wunderschön geworden!!! Wäre ganz toll ein E copy vom Buch zu bekommen!
Your work has such a delicate look to it; so vintage chic! :)
So lovely! I find the combination of stitches and applique quite appealing. Thank you for sharing.
Your coasters are adorable!!! I love how the linen looks with your Backyard Roses fabric.
I love your coasters! They are so cute!
All of your mats are so cute!!
Your coasters are so cute and happy…!
I love your coasters. They’re so cute! I can’t wait to try this technique.
I am drooling over all the lovely projects-hoping to win a copy of the book!
Your coasters turned out adorable and are so inspiring! I definitely want this book to try out all the cute ideas.
Your coasters are lovely! I love this kind of style. Such a shame the publishers won’t post to europe, it’s not that expensive!
Your coasters are gorgeous! Amazing! I’d so love to learn how to do this kind of applique.
Thanks for a chance to win.
Such cute coasters.
love your mug mats
Your coasters turned out beautifully! Thanks for the chance to win, I’d love to try this technique!
Your coasters are perfect ~ I love the fabric you chose.
really like your coasters – everyone seems to be loving making these designs ! thanks for the giveaway daisyandjack@hotmail.com
I love the projects in this book-and the simplicity of them. Sewing things for sewers-what a wonderful tribute!
Thanks for sharing your projects. I particularly like the hand stitch on the edge.
Hallo……….Hello from America! I love your coasters, yes they are so sweet! Hand drawing and illustraing my little design first is becoming familiar to me now and I feel the Zakka. Thank you for sharing your journey. Those coasters would be so sweet to see each morning, so happy.
Gorgeous love this book!