Beim Aufräumen meines Ateliers sind mir diese zwei handbestickten Tischdecken in die Hände gefallen, wunderschöne Erbstücke aus vergangenen Tagen. Sie erinnern mich an warme Sommernachmittage in unserem Garten… Oh, wie ich mich darauf freue!
While cleaning up my studio, I stumbled upon these beautiful hand embroidered tablecloths, family heirlooms from the past. They remind me of summer afternoons in our garden… I’m looking forward to the warm days!
Love these – so pretty! Reminds me of something from my childhood. My mom is from Germany/Lituania and I remember her doing some very nice table tops with a thicker embroidery thread – I wonder if that thread can still be purchased somewhere because I haven’t seen it. Maybe you can do a pattern with these types of embroider too? I know you don’t have much time, but it would be great! Love your post with the Irish chain too – so pretty! I love all these needle arts!