Ich folge Little Big Bells Instagram Feed seit einer Weile und liebe all die schönen Bilder, die sie postet! Besonders die bunten Häuser, die sie auf Ihren Wegen durch London aufnimmt, haben es mir angetan. Diese Häuser haben mich zu meinem Notting Hill Haus – Mini Quilt inspiriert. Die kleinen Katzen, Hasen und Elstern aus Elea Lutz‘ erster Stoffkollektion Milk, Sugar & Flower passen perfekt, findet Ihr nicht? Ich liebe diese Kollektion! Leider hat der Layer Cake nicht für meine ursprüngliche Idee gelangt. Ich brauche Meterware! Hier seht Ihr noch andere tolle Projekte aus Eleas Stoffen. Dieses hier ist besonders schön… Und jetzt mache ich mich ans Quilten, habt einen schönen Tag!
I’ve been following Little Big Bells Instagram feed for a while now and I just love all her beautiful pictures! Especially the colorful houses she captures on her walks through London. These pictures inspired me to make this Notting Hill House mini quilt. Aren’t those kittens, rabbits and magpies from Elea Lutz‘ first fabric line Milk, Sugar & Flower the perfect fit? I love this colletion! Unfortunately the layer cake was just not enough for the first idea I had in mind. I will have to buy yardage! Here are lots of other beautiful projects made from her sweet fabrics. This one is especially cute… And now I’m off to quilting, have a wonderful day!
Love, love this House Block!! Beautiful fabric!
Thank you, Sigi!!
Adorable !
Thanks!! :)
Oh my gosh Nadra! this is absolutely amazing!! Words fail me, I’m completely blown away! Your work is beautiful. I would love to make this block sooo much! xo
Thank you so much, Jessie!! I’m blushing… :) I will make a pattern of course, I’ll let you know!
I love your little house! It’s absolutely beautiful. I would love a pattern also! :0)
That is just adorable! I too would love a pattern.
Thank you Lisa, thank you Jane!! I’m already working on the pattern!
Yes!! Pattern please! :)
This is so adorable! I would love to make one :)
Thanks for signing up, Tara!!
i think this is just the cutest and would love to test the pattern for it! Thank you for picking me!
How awesome is Little Big Bells feed !! I love those houses , what a happy neighbourhood that is!
Love the way your little house looks!
I like how you put the character prints in the windows!
Thank you, Karen!
This is so great. The milk, sugar and flower fabric line is perfect for this. Thank you for sharing. Looking forward to the pattern! – Dan