Hallo Ihr Lieben,
ich freue mich sehr, denn heute ist Tag 1 der Arbor Blossom Blog Tour! Heidi von fabricmutt.blogspot.com startet die Tour mit diesem wunderschönen Hourglass Kissen, das ihr euch unbedingt genauer ansehen müsst! Diese Woche wird nur so gespickt sein mit Inspration und tollen Ideen, was man mit meiner neuen Stoffkollektion Arbor Blossom für Riley Blake Designs so anstellen kann. Freut euch auf die fantastischen Bloggerinnen, die ich eingeladen habe, um diese Tour mit mir zu gestalten und auf ein großes Gewinnspiel am Ende der Tour!! Unten findet ihr den Terminplan und die Links zu den Blogs und Instagram-Accounts meiner Teilnehmerinnen. Auf den Blogs und unter den Hashtags #arborblossomblogtour und #arborblossomfabric könnt ihr euch die Werke ansehen – und mitmachen! Ich freue mich drauf, eure Projekte zu sehen!
Und jetzt wünsche ich euch ganz viel Spaß! xoxo Nadra
Hello Lovelies,
I am super excited, it’s day 1 of the Arbor Blossom Blog Tour! Heidi of fabricmutt.blogspot.com is kicking off the tour with this beautiful Hourglass Pillow, you need to check it out, it’s just adorable! This week will be filled with lots of inspration and beautiful projects made with Arbor Blossom, my third fabric line for Riley Blake Designs. Look forward to the awesome bloggers I’ve invited to create this little journey for you and for a big giveaway at the end of the tour! Below you will find the full schedule with links to the blogs and Instagram feeds of the participants. You can join us and share your own projects using the hashtags #arborblossomblogtour and #arborblossomfabric, I can’t wait to see your makes! And now, enjoy the fun!
xoxo Nadra
Arbor Blossom Blog Tour Schedule
6-12-2017 Heidi Staples fabricmutt.blogspot.com @fabricmutt – KICK OFF
6-13-2017 Kim Kruzich retro-mama.blogspot.com @retro_mama
6-14-2017 LeAnne Ballard everydaycelebrate.blogspot.com @everydaycelebrations
6-15-2017 Allison Jensen woodberryway.com @woodberry_way
6-16-2017 Veronica Am vividfelicity.wordpress.com @vividfelicity
6-17-2017 Nadra Ridgeway ellisandhiggs.com @ellisandhiggs WRAP UP & GIVEAWAY
Nadra I just love all of the fabric designs you have done!!! They are truly one of my all time favorite fabrics.
I ma try the hour glass pillow and will add each new blog that is on the list this week to my favorites bookmarks
I’m so happy to hear this Mindy, thank you!!
Enjoy the blog tour!
I am crazy about this fabric! I love it so much
I entered the contest today, and I already follow and read the lovely supporters.
The contest page asks to enter every day until June 30?
I enjoy reading your Deutsches Schreiben. My German is so bad now.
It is just wonderful that I can read along and have the English to help.
I love all of the creativity shared. This fabric makes my heart happy
Beautiful! I especially love the yellow
When will the Blossom Fields quilt pattern be available?
The fabrics and projects are so sweet and I am loving the yellow! I would add these to your other collections I have to make a quilt for my granddaughter, Rosie.
Would love to make a mini quilt with your beautiful collection!! All these makes are so inspiring!!
Love..love your new line…So pretty! Probably would make a quilt.. Of course..but then would decorate my bedroom around it..
I would love to make a colourful quilt, and I also love the cushion cover which was done by Heidi as well. So many beautiful things you could make with this gorgeous fabric :)
I would love to make patchwork bags out of this fabric. It’s gorgeous.
I love your fabric collections! I would love to make a little quilt with flower appliques of this lovely fabric. Thank you for this giveaway.
I Love Arbor Blossoms❤️ I will make a quilt and some of those darling coasters to put around my home but no cups allowed on them. Way too Pretty. Great job on the lines and patterns you create!! They are happy and make you smile Thank You!!